The rise in the frequency of anthropogenic earthquakes due to deep fluid injections is posing serious economic, societal, and legal challenges to many geo-energy and waste-disposal projects. The rseismTLS package provides actuarial tools to analyse, forecast and mitigate induced seismicity during underground stimulation, based on a TLS (i.e. Traffic Light System) procedure. It reflects the need to quantify the dynamic nature of the industrial operations and underground feedback, and complements the standard TLS approach that is inherently heuristic and mostly based on expert elicitation (so-called clinical judgment).

What rseismTLS does:

What rseismTLS needs:


The rseismTLS package is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind. In no event shall the author or copyright holder be liable for any claim, damages or other liability (see MIT LICENSE file).


You can install rseismTLS from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Input example

One dataset is so far provided (see data/), which is a simulated version of the 2006 Basel, Switzerland, EGS experiment (Häring et al., 2008; Kraft and Deichmann, 2014). The injection profile Basel2006_inj was digitized from Häring et al. (2008) and the catalogue Basel2006_seism_simulated derived from the dataset provided by Kraft and Deichmann (2014), here limited to the initial 12 days (c. 6 days of stimulation and 6 days of post-injection decay) and to magnitude information only (spatial component not included). To avoid any copyright infringement, we only provide a stochastic iteration of the Basel data (based on the thinning method (Lewis and Shedler, 1979) and the intensity function of Mignan et al. (2017) - see below). We will use this dataset to illustrate the various functionalities of rseismTLS. We will consistently use the following naming convention: inj for the injection profile and seism for the earthquake catalogue. User-created data sets must be in the following units: decimal days for time and cubic metres for injected volumes. Moreover, since the model so far does not include negative flow rates (i.e., bleed-off in post-injection phase), the injection flow rate must stop at the shut-in time and any negative flow rate during the injection phase be fixed to zero (this case is fortunately very rare). Following those rules will conform with the rseismTLS computational framework.

## Load the simulated 2006 Basel EGS data ##
inj <- rseismTLS::Basel2006_inj
seism <- rseismTLS::Basel2006_seism_simulated
# time t [days], flow rate dV [m^3/day], cumulative volume V [m^3]
tail(inj, 5)       
#>          t       dV        V
#> 36 5.91488 4569.869  9652.23
#> 37 6.15537 4680.778 10777.91
#> 38 6.17162 2626.776 10820.59
#> 39 6.46357 2603.563 11580.71
#> 40 6.48125 2603.563 11626.74
# same time t reference, event magnitudes m
head(seism, 5)
#>           t        m
#> 1 0.9142506 2.030908
#> 2 0.9387515 1.005578
#> 3 1.2395748 1.018013
#> 4 1.4741568 1.210736
#> 5 1.5500578 1.191206
# illustrate how decimal days are computed
initdate <- strptime("2006-12-02 00:00:00.00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS")
# start injection = 2 December, 6:00 pm
startdate <- strptime("2006-12-02 18:00:00.00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS")
t.start <- as.double(startdate)/86400-as.double(initdate)/86400
# end injection = 8 December, 11:33 am
enddate <- strptime("2006-12-08 11:33:00.00", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS")
( t.shutin <- as.double(enddate)/86400-as.double(initdate)/86400 )
#> [1] 6.48125
# note that the time of the last row in inj (see above) must equal t.shutin

# plot data
par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = c(4, 4, 1.5, 0.5))
plot(inj$t, inj$dV, type = 'l', xlim = c(0,12), main = 'Flow rate dV [m^3/day]')
abline(v = c(t.start, t.shutin), lty = 'dotted', col = 'red')

plot(inj$t, inj$V, type = 'l', xlim = c(0,12), main = 'cum. volume V [m^3]')
abline(v = c(t.start, t.shutin), lty = 'dotted', col = 'red')

plot(seism$t, seism$m, xlim = c(0,12), pch = 20, cex = seism$m, main = 'magnitude m')
for(i in 1:nrow(seism)) lines(c(seism$t[i], seism$t[i]), c(0, seism$m[i]))
abline(v = c(t.start, t.shutin), lty = 'dotted', col = 'red')

hist(seism$t, breaks = seq(0, 12, 1/24), xlim = c(0,12), main = 'hourly rate')
abline(v = c(t.start, t.shutin), lty = 'dotted', col = 'red')

Forecast functions

The following examples make use of all the forecast functions of rseismTLS, which are listed in R/forecast.R. They are based on the statistical model of Mignan et al. (2017):

\[\lambda (t, m \ge m_c; \theta) = \begin{cases} 10^{a_{fb}-b m_c} \dot V (t) & ; t \le t_{shut-in} \\ 10^{a_{fb}-b m_c} \dot V (t_{shut-in}) \exp (- \frac{t-t_{shut-in}}{\tau}) & ; t > t_{shut-in} \end{cases}\]

where \(\lambda\) is the predicted seismicity rate above completeness magnitude \(m_c\), \(\dot V\) the flow rate, \(a_{fb}\) the underground activation feedback (equivalent to the seismogenic index; e.g. Dinske and Shapiro, 2013) and \(\tau\) the mean relaxation time (Mignan et al., 2017). The linear relationship between seismicity rate \(\lambda\) and flow rate \(\dot V\) is well recognised (Dinske and Shapiro, 2013; Mignan, 2016; van der Elst et al., 2016; Mignan et al., 2017; Broccardo et al., 2017). Use of the exponential decay during the post-injection phase was proposed by Mignan et al. (2017).

Only the frequentist approach developed by Mignan et al. (2017) is so far available. The bayesian approach developed by Broccardo et al. (2017) will be implemented at a later date. Physics-based models are so far not considered.

Frequentist approach (likelihood)

Data preprocessing

Note that we first need to use functions from the rseismNet package for data preprocessing, here to compute the completeness magnitude \(m_c\) (see rseismNet README for details).

## mandatory preprocessing ##
#devtools::install_github("amignan/rseismNet")   #in case rseismNet not yet installed
mbin <- .1
mc <- rseismNet::mc.val(seism$m, method = 'mode', mbin)      # see other methods in rseismNet
seism <- subset(seism, m > mc - mbin / 2)                    # complete earthquake catalogue
(b.Aki <- rseismNet::beta.mle(seism$m, mc, mbin) / log(10))  # Aki (1965) MLE method
#> [1] 1.606944

Maximum likelihood estimation method

The model parameters are estimated with model_par.mle_point() by minimizing the negative log-likelihood function negloglik_point.val(), as given in Broccardo et al. (2017:A2):

data <- list(seism = seism, inj = inj, m0 = mc, ts = t.shutin, Tmax = 12)
( par.MLE <- rseismTLS::model_par.mle_point(data) )
#> Loading required package: signal
#> Attaching package: 'signal'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, poly
#> $a_fb
#> [1] 0.100735
#> $tau
#> [1] 1.151804
#> $b
#> [1] 1.606875
#> $nLL
#> [1] -2595.884

Note that the \(b\) estimate is close to the MLE value obtained directly from the frequency-magnitude distribution (see b.Aki). One could also calculate \(a_{fb}\) via the Shapiro Seismogenic Index (SI) method (e.g., Dinske and Shapiro, 2013) although that approach is less robust.

( Vtot <- tail(inj$V, 1) )        # cubic meters
#> [1] 11626.74
( a_fb.SI <- rseismTLS::a_fb.val(nrow(seism), b.Aki, mc, Vtot) )
#> [1] 0.1996769

Model validation

The Kolmogorov-Smirnov Goodness of Fit Test (K-S test) can then be applied to quantify the level of performance of the model and to potentially make a residual analysis (e.g., Ogata, 1988). The test is made with stat.KS_uniform() assuming a uniform distribution (i.e. distribution of a stationary Poisson process of intensity 1) for the transformed time \(\tilde{t}_i\) (Ogata, 1988; Broccardo et al., 2017; Mignan et al., 2017), which is defined as

\[\tilde{t}_i = \int^{t_i}_0 \lambda(t; \theta)dt\] by the function t.transform(). Deviations from the 95% or 99% K-S confidence intervals can then be considered failures of the model.

data <- list(seism = seism, inj = inj, m0 = mc, ts = t.shutin)
t.transf <- rseismTLS::t.transform(data, par.MLE)
#> Loading required package: caTools
res.KS <- rseismTLS::stat.KS_uniform(t.transf)

par(mfrow = c(2,1), mar = c(4, 4, 1.5, 0.5))
plot(t.transf, seism$m, pch = 20, cex = seism$m,
     xlab = 'Transformed time', ylab = 'Magnitude', main = 'Transformed time series')
for(i in 1:nrow(seism)) lines(c(t.transf[i], t.transf[i]), c(mc, seism$m[i]))

col.KS <- rep('darkgreen', length(t.transf))
col.KS[!res.KS$boolean95] <- 'orange'
col.KS[!res.KS$boolean99] <- 'red'

plot(t.transf, res.KS$t, type = 'b', cex = 0.5, pch = 20, col = col.KS, main = 'K-S test')
lines(res.KS$t, res.KS$lim95down, lty = 'dashed')
lines(res.KS$t, res.KS$lim95up, lty = 'dashed')
lines(res.KS$t, res.KS$lim99down, lty = 'dotted')
lines(res.KS$t, res.KS$lim99up, lty = 'dotted')

Model prediction visualisation

The predicted seismicity rate \(\lambda\) per time bin tbin is calculated by model_rate.val(), which input is binned by data.bin(). This can be used to visualize the rate model against the binned data:

# bucketize injection & seismicity data into tbin time bins
tbin <- 1/6                # [days]
tint <- seq(0, 12, tbin)    # [days]
data.binned <- rseismTLS::data.bin(seism, inj, tint)
seism.binned <- data.binned$seism.binned
inj.binned <- data.binned$inj.binned <- which(seism.binned$t > tail(inj.binned$t, 1))
rate.pred <- rseismTLS::model_rate.val('full sequence', 
                                       list(a_fb = par.MLE$a_fb, tau = par.MLE$tau, b = par.MLE$b, m0 = mc), 
                                       inj = inj.binned, shutin = list(t = t.shutin), 
                                       t.postinj = seism.binned$t[])

par(mfrow = c(1, 1), mar = c(4, 4, 1.5, 0.5))
hist(seism$t, breaks = tint, main = 'full sequence', col = 'grey', border = 'white')
lines(rate.pred, col = 'darkred')
abline(v = c(t.start, t.shutin), col = 'red', lty = 'dotted')

We used the option window = 'full sequence', which means that the rate sequence is continuous. Considering the injection and post-injection separately can lead to a discontinuity (play with different values of tbin to test the impact of binning). Those two options should only be used when data is limited to one of the two phases.

rate_inj.pred <- rseismTLS::model_rate.val('injection', 
                                             list(a_fb = par.MLE$a_fb, b = par.MLE$b, m0 = mc),
                                             inj = inj.binned)

rate_postinj.pred <- rseismTLS::model_rate.val('post-injection',
                                               list(tau = par.MLE$tau),
                                               shutin = list(t = t.shutin, 
                                                             rate = seism.binned$rate[[1] - 1]),
                                               t.postinj = seism.binned$t[])

par(mar = c(4, 4, 1.5, 0.5))
hist(seism$t, breaks = tint, main = 'injection + post-injection', col = 'grey', border = 'white')
lines(rate_inj.pred$t, rate_inj.pred$rate, col = 'darkred')
lines(rate_postinj.pred$t, rate_postinj.pred$rate, col = 'darkblue')
abline(v = c(t.start, t.shutin), col = 'red', lty = 'dotted')

In the case of independent time windows on each side of the shut-in time, the model parameters should be estimated for those specific periods. This is done as previously, but now adding the window type in model_par.mle_point():

data_inj <- list(seism = subset(seism, t <= t.shutin), inj = inj, m0 = mc, ts = t.shutin, Tmax = 12)
( par_inj.MLE <- rseismTLS::model_par.mle_point(data_inj, window = 'injection') )
#> $a_fb
#> [1] 0.1328267
#> $tau
#> [1] NA
#> $b
#> [1] 1.646938
#> $nLL
#> [1] -2166.312

data_post <- list(seism = subset(seism, t > t.shutin), m0 = mc, ts = t.shutin, Tmax = 12, 
                  lambda0 = seism.binned$rate[[1] - 1] / tbin)
( par_post.MLE <- rseismTLS::model_par.mle_point(data_post, list(a_fb = 0, tau = 1, b = 1), 
                                                 window = 'post-injection') )
#> $a_fb
#> [1] NA
#> $tau
#> [1] 1.138642
#> $b
#> [1] 1.473208
#> $nLL
#> [1] -430.3742

The parameter estimates here differ from the ones obtained previously due to the fact that there is no constraint to have a continuous function over the full sequence. For the Basel case, it does not lead to significant changes in \(a_{fb}\) and \(\tau\). However, we verify that the \(b\)-value decreases over time, as already known for this sequence (e.g., Mignan et al., 2017 - compare par_inj.MLE$b to par_post.MLE$b).

NB: when the earthquake count data is available instead of an earthquake catalogue

In the case in which only the seismicity rate seism.binned is available (e.g, catalogue not available but histogram data digitizable from a published figure), the model parameters can still be estimated. Then the Poisson log-likelihood function negloglik_hist.val() is used instead of negloglik_point.val(), assuming a Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process (NHPP). It is computed, and the model parameters optimized, in model_par.mle_hist():

# MLE values based on binned data
data <- list(seism.binned = seism.binned, inj.binned = inj.binned, b = b.Aki, m0 = mc, ts = t.shutin)
( par.MLE <- rseismTLS::model_par.mle_hist(data) )
#> $a_fb
#> [1] 0.09704507
#> $tau
#> [1] 1.15937
#> $nLL
#> [1] 149.1395

data_inj <- list(seism.binned = subset(seism.binned, t <= t.shutin), inj.binned = inj.binned, b = b.Aki, m0 = mc)
( par_inj.MLE <- rseismTLS::model_par.mle_hist(data_inj, window = 'injection') )
#> $a_fb
#> [1] 0.09193446
#> $tau
#> [1] NA
#> $nLL
#> [1] 97.43646

data_post <- list(seism.binned = subset(seism.binned, t > t.shutin), ts = t.shutin,
                  lambda0 = tail(seism.binned$rate[seism.binned$t <= t.shutin], 1))
( par_post.MLE <- rseismTLS::model_par.mle_hist(data_post, window = 'post-injection') )
#> $a_fb
#> [1] NA
#> $tau
#> [1] 1.141612
#> $nLL
#> [1] 51.51799

Bayesian approach

The following Bayesian hierarchical framework was proposed by Broccardo et al. (2017). It is based on a nonhomogeneous Poisson process that follows the induced seismicity model of Mignan et al. (2017).

Prior distribution estimation

The prior distributions are selected as follows: Beta for \(b\) and \(a_{fb}\), and Gamma for \(\tau\). The hyperparameters of the prior distributions are estimated in model_prior.distr() from the model parameters par fitted for various deep fluid stimulations by Mignan et al. (2017) (see dataset par_Mignan_etal_SciRep2017.dat).

par <- rseismTLS::par_Mignan_etal_SciRep2017
ndat <- nrow(par)
prior <- rseismTLS::model_prior.distr(par)
#> Loading required package: MASS
#> Warning in densfun(x, parm[1], parm[2], ...): NaNs produced

par(mfrow = c(1,3))
plot(prior$ai, prior$a.prior, type = 'l')
points(par$a_fb, rep(0, ndat))
plot(prior$bi, prior$b.prior, type = 'l')
points(par$b_fb, rep(0, ndat))
plot(prior$taui, prior$tau.prior, type = 'l')
points(par$tau, rep(0, ndat))